Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tate Publishing - Book Marketing Is The Key To Success

Good afternoon and thank you for checking in once again on my blog and the great things happening at Tate Publishing.  I am often asked what makes a successful book and how can Tate Publishing help.  While there are certainly many elements that play a role, there is of course only one major role that everything boils down to, that is marketing!

Tate Publishing provides services and products that no other publisher can and designs, edits and manufactures some of the best product released in the publishing industry, but that is not nearly enough.  The key is marketing.  As an author you must make sure that your publisher has a long distribution reach that can get your book everywhere necessary for it to succeed.  Not just listed on a website!

I am very proud of our marketing department and the many publicity and PR firms that represent Tate Publishing titles.  We are one of the top selling publishers in America and set up and create more events, book signings and promotional engagements than any one else, helping Tate authors an books succeed.  Remember, at Tate Publishing we market and promote the book for the life of the project, and we promote and market and distribute on your behalf and in partnership with our authors.  The danger of small publishers and self-publishers is that authors must do everything on their own and take all of the risk and burden, we do not believe that serves a serious author's needs.  You need a great marketing partner.  

In the last quarter alone Tate authors have appeared and been promoted on ABC's Nightline, MSNBC, Fox News, and hundreds of other news, print and radio channels.  These are the opportunities and situations a successful author needs from their publisher.  

While many claim they can produce books, very few actually have the resources, staff, distribution or marketing departments to truly help authors succeed, that is what makes Tate Publishing a special place.  

We have always been a publishing family that believes in working hard to help authors succeed, that is why we must be very picky in regards to the books and authors we will sign, but in the end we know that great marketing is the best recipe for success.  

As always please contact us if you have any questions or send them directly to me.  Have a great day and thanks for reading!


Ryan Tate


Anonymous said...

Mr. Tate;
Great blog, but even though you write so optimistic, is it true your company is back logged and is not accepting anymore submissions until January? Just checking, that is the information I heard. Thanks if you can clarify.

Ryan Tate said...

Thanks for your comments and I am glad you enjoyed the blog. We are still accepting submissions and there is no submission backlog. There is a review period and I will find out in the morning what the current review schedule is for new manuscript submissions. Hope that helps!


Anonymous said...

These people have been exceptionally professional and super nice in every aspect of our relationship. Having just completed my first attempt at writing a Christian based book, I have all intentions of using Tate Publishing as my step toward getting a message out to the saved and also the unsaved. After much prayer I can see nothing that will change my mind. I am very impressed with their Christian testimony.

Convinced until proven otherwise,
First time Author,
Dependant upon Jesus Christ who has proven Himself to be trustworthy,
Jerry L. Barney