Friday, October 17, 2008

Tate Publishing Takes Legal Action Against Bloggers!!!

Well Tate Family, unfortunately we have had to take legal action against many different individuals that have tried to be very negative against our wonderful company and family of authors. Whether you are a Tate author, prospective author or just researching this industry we have been appalled at all of the negative and incorrect information on the internet, in blog sites or on competitors websites. While we value differing opinions, competition and open discussion, we will not stand for malicious or untrue attacks. The basic gist of it is that there have been defamatory remarks, erroneous information, trademark infringements and copyright violations across the board. Many have been using the Tate Publishing name to launch their own businesses, advertise their own companies or services, and finally defame for personal gain. Please if you have been negatively affected or been given erroneous information or information different than what is on the Tate Publishing website, in our contract or discussed in conversations with our staff, please let us know. Our legal team is still collecting hundreds of emails and cataloging the rest of the information and your input is always welcome and can be used as evidence and testimony as well. I want to make it a point that I hate this course of action, these individuals have been warned numerous times and both myself and the Tate Publishing staff have been professional and cordial with these individuals and organizations, but I feel they took our willingness to work with them as weakness and we have had to move forward. In this day and age people assume that over the internet you can say and do what you want with no level of accountability, for the most part this may be true, but our legal system can protect us from unwarranted, defaming, untrue attacks, especially when there are issues involving copyrighted information and trademark violations.

On a spiritual note, the Bible tells us that light cannot have fellowship with darkness, the enemy does not want our success and he certainly doesn't want yours. This is the very reason we lift each of you up in prayer everyday. Our success speaks for itself and we couldn't be prouder of our position at the top of our industry. Please let us know if you have any comments and once again, while unfortunate, we must hold these people accountable. If you have any questions just let us know and don't forget to check out all of the other incredible blogs on our site.

Have a wonderful weekend, God Bless, and as always send some discussion topics my way.

Ryan Tate


Anonymous said...


I hope that one of the places is that website. I actually published with a self-publisher (you guys rejected my first manuscript), but everything I read on that website is horrible. It doesn't matter who the publisher is, that site is just for lies and hate, I noticed some Tate stuff on there and I know it isn't true. Anyway, good job and authors everywhere need to know that you have done this.

Mary Hartwell

Anonymous said...

This is the first I've ever heard of your company. Interesting blog

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are taking legal action! That sight nearly drained my creative energy with their negativity. There was only a few posters who actually offered helpful information. The rest terrorized my efforts, writing style and Tate as my prospective publisher. Hate and evil are everywhere. My book is a message a purpose sent to me by a higher power. Domestic Violence, demons, narcissists, lightworkers, non fiction stories, and the battle between good and evil that is being fought every day in homes and the workplace. Souless individuals with no conscience have populated our planet and their mission is to destroy real human beings with real emotions.
Many of which I felt were on the above mentioned site.

Ryan Tate said...

Thank you for all of your support, I want to point out that I absolutely hate that we have to do this, but we truly have no choice. It is unacceptable for people to be allowed to spread lies and erroneous information without having to be held accountable. I still have a huge problem that people don't always have to reveal their real names when they write negative or incorrect posts. I will keep you posted, but the funny thing is that these individuals, organizations and websites could avoid all of this if they just worked with us and did the right thing. We love freedom of speech, differing opinions and the spirit of comptetition, but this was unacceptable.

Thanks again,

Ryan Tate

Martin said...

Mary H. and Shawna,

I totally agree with both of you. There are a lot of frustrated writers on venting their frustrations at hopeful writers, as well as agents, publishers, bookstores - you name it. They don't check facts before putting people down. Most of them are so cynical and pessimistic that it makes you hope the next book you buy isn't from someone with that kind of attitude.


Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan, This is Richard Hardin, I don't have a NYT Best Seller yet, but I am still working on it. I do have a live radio program every Sat morning, 9:30-10:30 CST which is also broadcast on the internet worldwide at: -- "Listen Now" I would like to invite the Tate Authors to call and plug their book. I could take one, maybe two a week during the first 5 - 10 minutes. They could call me at home at 405-672-7536 or email at: to workout the details. Listeners might like to hear about a good Christian book each week. Anyway, we can try. Have a good day. Richard