Good afternoon and I trust the new year has already started off great for everyone. In my last post I described and announced that Tate Publishing will continue to add to the services, distribution and marketing that we already offer to once again pull away from all other publishers. We have always been driven to be the best at Tate Publishing and create the environment that gives our authors and titles the best opportunity to succeed in our highly competitive industry.
If you have followed my blog at all you already know that we lead the industry in almost every category and provide services that no other publisher does. I want to outline one of our newest services and products and provide you with some useful information.
At the end of last year we made a commitment at Tate Publishing to start producing and releasing :30 second book trailers or commercials for releasing titles. These book trailers are proving themselves to be extremely valuable marketing and promotional tools that are setting a Tate Published book and author apart from all others. I was talking with our Director of Marketing, Mark Mingle last week about them and he made an interesting comment. Mark has been receiving feedback that customers are purchasing books after watching the videos because they are able to emotionally connect with the story line before even picking up the book.
What an amazing opportunity, we are not only streaming these trailers from our online bookstore and website, but from sites like YouTube, Myspace and Facebook. These trailers are being played at author signings, events and even on television stations to promote our authors works. We have seen great success and great value in the cost of production due to the increased sales volumes and awareness these video book trailers help to create.
Most of these trailers are :30 seconds long, include music, voiceovers with video and images that help tell the story of the book. While we know you can't judge a book by its' cover, these trailers are providing potential customers with an exciting glimpse into the story to unfold on the pages and pushing them to purchase Tate titles that are sure to entertain.
Once again, I will break down another new service as often as I can, but we are very excited about the new opportunities at Tate Publishing and the video book trailers has been a great one. As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to let me know.
Ryan Tate