Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jerry Jenkins Visits Tate Publishing

Good evening,

Today was a wonderful day at Tate Publishing. Jerry Jenkins the author of the "Left Behind" series (fyi he sold over 63,000,000 copies) and the owner of the Christian Writers Guild was here. We have spent the last two days with Jerry and his wonderful wife. Jerry, like Tate Publishing has committed his life to helping mold authors and the next generation of Christian writers.

I think the most wonderful thing is that we all agree that the future of publishing is bright. Authors all over America are writing and they are writing the next great American novel right now as we speak. At Tate Publishing we provide the marketing, distribution, production, publicity and visibility that these authors can't get anywhere else. We are able to take the authors like those that Jerry and the Christian Writers Guild develop and help vault them to success.

I would like to thank Jerry once again on behalf of the entire Tate Publishing family. We look forward to the future and continuing to take authors all over the world to the next level. At Tate Publishing our focus everyday is helping authors succeed.

Who knows, someone reading this right now may be the next big author to change the world. If you don't write and you don't' try you will never know! Let's sell some books!


Ryan Tate