Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tate Publishing Has A Lot To Be Thankful For!

As Thanksgiving approaches it is always important to take time to think about all we have to be grateful for in our lives. At Tate Publishing we have many blessings and things that we appreciate. I was sitting at my desk working late last night and couldn't stop thinking about how much I appreciate several things at Tate Publishing.

First, is our incredible staff. Through this entire year our staff has grown significantly, but they have become closer and tighter through the growth. Our award winning staff not only love what they do but they are always putting our authors and artists first. I preach in staff meetings that service is key and to make everyone we deal with feel special. I am so proud and blessed to see this through our staff on a daily basis.

Secondly, I am so thankful for our authors. We have seen Tate Publishing authors accomplish more than ever before in this year. We are averaging close to 1,000 events every month in 2010 and our authors have sold more books and had more success than ever before. I believe we have the hardest working authors in the industry and they know that successful books don't happen over night and that success requires a great partnership between them and their publisher. I am so proud of each of you and cannot wait to see what our family of authors accomplish in 2011!

Third, the blessings and growth our authors have achieved in this economy are a miracle. Every-time we turn on the news these days we have to listen to horrible stories about how bad the world is and how high unemployment is and that the economy is spiraling out of control. While there is no doubt that there have been many difficult issues facing our country our staff and authors never looked at any of the circumstances as a problem, but an opportunity to work harder and be smarter. Tate authors have increased the number of niche marketing events and opportunities through our marketing department at an incredible rate. If in store sales weren't going well for an author our staff quickly looked for new opportunities. No other publisher works harder to help and create these opportunities and I am so grateful that our authors never go it alone in this incredibly competitive industry.

Fourth, is our bookstore and distributor relationships. For many publishers they are being cut back and told to take their books and go home by the largest retailers and distributors. We have built over the last decade wonderful relationships with Borders, Barnes and Noble, Ingram and every other large chains as well as small bookstores. I would like to thank each of you for your support of our authors and the opportunities you provide us with every day. We don't take it lightly and we are very thankful.

Finally, my family and God! I spend everyday working hard to make sure that Tate Publishing will be the best opportunity for any author. I believe we have accomplished that and we will continue to offer more and more. In the last year alone we started putting every Tate author on national television. Tate authors have had their book commercials seen by over 300 million viewers! No other publisher does more. My passion for our authors is something that my family has been instrumental in supporting. I am so grateful that my girls at home have made it possible for Dad to work long hours and travel often as we serve our author family and the publishing industry. I could not be more blessed and I thank God for you everyday! God has blessed us with amazing opportunities to share our books with the world and help change peoples lives. I never take that responsibility or opportunity lightly.

I can think of so many more things, but I am afraid that list will go on and on! Thank you to everyone who has made this year a success and been a part of the Tate Publishing family. I consider myself so blessed.


Ryan Tate